Sunday, April 7, 2013


I came to Warren G Harding High School today. Principal Phil Tirell gave me the guidelines and a list of duties and locations I was to work in every day during certain times. He also gave me a map of the school grounds.

The guidelines are fairly simple. Don't swear in front of the children, no violence, don't bring drugs, no disrespecting staff, no vandalism, no theft, on and on and on. I'm supposed to wash the windows and clean up the floors in rooms 105-115, 210-220, and tend to the garden in the center of the high school.

He also gave me a list of teachers, those whose classrooms I tend to, and a list of students he called "problem students". I suppose that means I have to try to stop them if they get into trouble in my neck of the school.

As I was leaving, the Principal and I heard walking from down the hallway to our left, and sobs. The principal told me it was probably just one of the high schoolers, possibly going through a break up or something. But it couldn't have been. It's Spring Break, and school doesn't kick back in for four days. Furthermore, it sounded off.. it sounded... I don't know how to explain it. It sounded like two voices, each crying in perfect unison, in different octaves.

Probably anxiety. I didn't go to sleep until three in the morning and... well... I'm hesitant to say this, as the principal may find out about this blog, but... but I'm prone to hallucinations. I've had them since I was a child. Years ago, I constantly heard the sound of baying dogs all night every day for a month. And I spent three months hanging out with a friend, Charles McDowell, only to find out that there was no Charles McDowell. I've learned to live with it though.

Oh well. I don't have to report for duty until April 23rd, so I have some time just to think.

Then it's off to work.

-Jacob Mills

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